Club PRC Markham is proud to announce its support for environmental sustainability within its facility design and operations. Listed below are steps that PRC Markham has taken and continues to take towards increased environmental sustainability:

Plant a tree for every player in our year-end club championships.Recycle Tennis BallsRecycle footwear programRecycle tennis racquet programRecycle clothes for charityInstallation of energy efficient LED lightingInstallation of a energy efficient furnacesInstallation of energy efficient insulation in both domesRecycling cardboard and paperInstalled bottle fillers at the kitchen to promote filling water bottles vs. purchasing plastic water bottlesBegan recycling plasticDonate lost and found items including water bottles (after three weeks) to Goodwill and other charitable organizations to recycle

As much as possible operate a paperless office including paperless payroll through direct deposit with online statements and electronic reporting

Decrease the consumption of non-renewable materials within business operations

PRC Markham Goes Green